Last Updated : 2009-01-09 0:27

今天(2008.06.12),我(Michael Chan)收到一個電子郵件,是由李文京老師的女兒(Sylvia Kwok)發送給我的,內容是講述曾於德仁書院任教了 37 年的李文京老師(當年老師及同學稱呼她為「Madam」)已於 2007 年 5 月 16 日於深圳離世。原文輯錄如下:

Hi Michael,

Wish you don't mind me to call you Michael.

I were neither a student nor a teacher at Tak Yan School. However, I did have a close relationship with the school. And I've been to Tak Yan for thousand times esp. during my childhood.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Sylvia Kwok. My Mom is Margaret Lee who has been an English and History Teacher in Tak Yan School for over 36 years. I don't know whether you knew my Mom when she's still working in Tak Yan School.

However, it's sad when I found Tak Yan School was closed in 2006 finally. I am for sure my Mom must have the same feeling as mine if she heard about that. Be frank, I am so proud with my Mom that she was respected by Tak Yan School and not be forgotten even though she's retired for over 10 years. My Mom was missing her work, her colleagues and her students all the time.

I wrote this e-mail on behalf of my Mom is due to there's a bad news to announce. My Mom, Margaret Lee, has passed away on 16th May 2007 in Shumzhen, China. I wish you could put this updated info and my e-mail address ( in the website. At the same time, I would like to know whether I could put one of my Mom's pic for memorial in the website. If so, I will send you the pic. upon receipt of your acceptance.

I appreciate it.

Best Regards
Sylvia Kwok

2005年10月時的照片 (相片由 Sylvia Kwok 提供)

Name : Lee Man King, Margaret 李文京
DOB : 24th August, 1941
DOD : 16th May, 2007
Family Status : 2 sons and 1 daughter

Michael Chan (陳文健老師)

我在德仁書院的年資尚淺,所以並不認識 Madam Lee,不過有很多同事及舊生聽到這個消息都覺得很突然及震驚。若有德仁書院的老師或同學想在這裡回憶及分享李老師的教學點滴,歡迎以電子郵件的形式,電郵至 給我,我會盡快更新這個頁面,以下是一些德仁書院的老師及學生對李老師的感覺。


Henry Wong (黃向榮副校長)

We still remember Margaret Lee. Nearly all the teachers of Tak Yan remember her as a hardworking teacher. Margaret Lee's full name is Margaret Lee Man King. She taught English and History, mostly in Form 3. All students, including bad ones, naughty ones, respected her very much. She was a very loyal and conscientious teacher and served in our school for over 30 years. She was first employed in our Nelson Street premises and then at Mei Foo. She had a daughter Sylvia Kwok. I remember them well and wish them good luck and good health.



很難過收到這消息!她是我們尊敬的 Madam 李文京老師 。
Madam 退休之後,我們都曾相約聚會幾次,後來失去了聯絡。

畢業生常都向我們問及 Madam 的近況,又談及以前 Madam 教授 英文及世史的點滴。
Madam 曾教導無數學生,她堅持和認真的教學態度,深受學生敬佩,同樣為年輕的老師樹立榜樣。

雖然我並沒有跟你(Sylvia Kwok)見過面,但早巳從 Madam 口中認識,Madam 也是一位愛護兒女的好母親啊!

還記得Madam退休時,手中捧着校方送给她的水晶纪念座,她說:「這是我在德仁書院服務了三十七年半的榮譽, 我會好好收藏。」可見她對德仁有多深厚感情!



James Chung (鍾煥湘老師)

I am sad to hear the news.


Ray Wong (黃建明同學)

我和太太在美孚新村住了半年有多,這個地方很久很久沒有來。這個地方給我很多回憶,好多地方沒變,巴士站,快餐店,文具店還在。變的只是我的母校已停辦。近日我搜尋母校的綱頁。當我登入綱頁後,第一時間收是到這個消息。當時感覺到難過。雖然我沒有做過 Madam 學生,但在五年內很多時都會見面,感覺同 Miss Wong,鍾Sir一樣。唔知當年老師和學生是否一樣?



有機會與 Madam 在德仁共事數年,但因任教科目不同,較少機會合作,認識不深。印象中,她是一位作風嚴謹且甚具威嚴的前輩,甚得同事及同學的尊重。

課堂之內,她能將一班活躍的學生管治得秩序井然。課堂以外,她亦一絲不苟。記得當時德仁的教員室是以性別劃分的,Madam 自然成為女教員室的"首領"。一年一度的籌款比賽時,她例必在本班 (3A?) 落力勸捐。放學時又會與一班女同事在壁報前細閱各班表現,並激勵各女同事努力。

想起 Madam,再一次提醒自己要做一個對學生、對自己都有所要求的老師。


Peter Leung (梁永存同學)

Thank you for updating Tak Yan Website. My name is Leung Wing Chuen (梁永存). I was one of the student in Madam Lee's class. I left at Form 4 and moved to UK. It is sad to hear the bad news. I always remember Madam was a very cheerful, friendly and well dressed lady. She was well prepared in every subjust she taught. I miss my dearest teacher a lot. God bless her soul and her family.

By the way, I came back to HK in 2006. I am looking for my old classmates, please email me @ . Especially 黄啓忠, I lost your address at Cheung Sha Wan. Please contact me. Thank you Mr Chan for your effort and time.


李耀邦同學 (辣椒)

我是從德仁書院綱頁中認識您(Michael)的,離開母校已有十五年,從中一起已認識尊敬的Madam Lee,得知她的離逝,心感愕然,希望直此挽文,可分享對Madam Lee 的一些點滴。

從舊同學口中得知尊敬的 Madam Lee 離逝,心感愕然,認識 Madam 已有廿年,一向嚴肅,處事嚴謹,獎罰分明的 Madam,其實上堂亦有搞笑的一面,往往引來全班大笑,有時在生活細節上,或多或少會回想到她給我的回憶。當我向其他舊同學講及 Madam Lee 的離逝,反問我 "是否經常笑o果位 Madam Lee? ",可見她在我們心中是歡笑多於嚴肅。

今日母校轉變,老師離開,但在我的心中是不會忘掉昔日相處的日子。Madam Lee 我們永遠懷念妳...............






每天上班,巴士都路過美孚蘭秀道德仁書院校門時,都想起二樓教員室靠窗口位置的Madam Lee(李文京老師)。

1990年我入讀德仁書院,Madam Lee(李文京老師)任教英文和世界歷史。Madam Lee給我的印象是:和藹、優雅。記憶中Madam Lee好像是馬來西亞華僑,預科畢業後便投身教育事業,數十年如一日。她蓄着烏黑卷曲的短髪,每天都穿着素色上衣、西裝裙和一雙褐色的平底皮鞋。個子矮的她,聲線卻宏厚而響亮。那口標準的英式英語發音:「Jack and jill came down the hill……」每逢英文「Reading」堂她都會帶我們朗誦英詩;寫黑板時,她例必用紙巾包着粉筆,不徐不疾地在黑板上寫着,那手別緻的英文書寫,給人一種時光倒流的感覺。

課堂上Madam Lee絕對是認真和嚴肅的。那時班上的同學,除了小部分超齡新移民學生外,其餘都是本港學生,他們學習意欲欠佳,常常在課堂上開小差、生事端。每次Madam Lee都必定厲聲嚴詞地訓誡,絕不容許同學倒蛋或擾亂課堂秩序。

我是新移民超齡學生,初到貴境,沒有朋友,鄉音濃濃,一開口別人便知我是「阿燦」。Madam Lee也因此特別關顧我們這些新移民學生,課後經常鼓勵我們多背誦英文生詞,多看英文故事書。所以,上Madam Lee的課,我特別專心聽課。在Madam Lee和其他老師的幫助下,我很快就度過了來港讀書的適應期。到了1992年完成初二後,基於個人的考慮,我自行轉校到石硤尾銘賢書院繼續學業。

打從1992離開德仁書院,我再也沒見過Madam Lee了。沒想到今天無意在網上,發現Madam Lee早於去年已辭世,不禁黯然。天下無不散之筵席,今天席散人間,卻新月在天。Madam Lee音容宛在,愛遺人間,希望Madam Lee早登極樂!

譚嘉明 泣上